The Senate recently passed a $95.3 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan – though this bill could face opposition from President Trump and Republican senators who oppose its implementation.
American politics might appear absurd and dysfunctional, but that doesn’t indicate an increase in intellectual deficit. Objective measurements show that Americans’ intelligence scores are similar to most other industrialized nations.
Why is the United States So Powerful?
After nearly a century in the “post-Cold War era,” Americans remain unclear as to their country’s global supremacy and purpose. From militarized violence abroad to massive deficits at home, Americans often don’t understand why their nation should police other nations.
Effective self-government requires an informed and engaged public. Unfortunately, large segments of American society openly reject facts and reason – whether its climate change, evolution or the coronavirus, many Americans seem to think they know better than science.
As much as it might be tempting to blame Americans’ ignorance on their low IQ levels, objective measurements remain inconclusive. America has one of the world’s finest education systems and many Americans possess great intelligence; yet their culture and schooling renders them unaware of global events that create international crises; such as terrorist attacks in Europe or unrest in Hong Kong or North Korea’s nuclear issue; nor emerging powers which challenge its economic and military supremacy.
Why is the United States So Stupid?
There is much evidence of Americans becoming dumber over the past decade, according to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt. Institutions across America are becoming structurally stupid as people stop questioning or challenging each other – this makes people collectively dumber.
Reasons for this include the reverse of the Flynn Effect, which demonstrated how IQ increases with education and income; lack of investment in early childhood education programs for low-income adults; and limited continuing education options available to them.
Another cause is the United States’ failure to abide by its stated conditions for foreign aid programs. Instead, leaders who approve such aid programs often see it in political terms; as rewards for allies that advance critical U.S. interests. Often they disregard laws outlining these conditions – coercion simply won’t work here!

Why is the United States So Successful?
If success is measured by how many problems a nation solves, the United States stands out as having an impressive track record. Never once have we failed to address major problems through efforts such as Medicare and Apollo or through ongoing initiatives to combat disease and poverty.
The United States is the sole world power large enough to effectively address these types of challenges, and its vast size provides it with ample room for error: even when Washington fails in its policymaking completely, Americans can live with a failing economy, skyrocketing health-care costs or dubious war without suffering serious repercussions.
There is evidence that American institutions are becoming structurally stupider. Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt notes how, thanks to social media’s enhanced virality, dissent within American institutions is punished with reduced participation – meaning bad ideas can reach the top and become official policy.
Why is the United States So Bad?
Americans’ IQ scores may have declined over time. That doesn’t necessarily indicate they are stupid; what really impedes progress is America’s failure to comprehend other parts of the globe and therefore handle overseas problems confidently and competently.
That is why Europe sees Americans as being stupid: not just Donald Trump’s tweets or how he wastes vacation days; rather it is due to how his administration has pulled back from international partnerships, antagonized allies, and left the World Health Organization without a permanent staffer in China.
Problematically, the United States does more than give away money; it controls many areas of culture as well. Universities, news organizations, Hollywood studios, art museums and advertising are just some of the institutions which contribute to creating political dysfunction; institutions that discourage dissent are feeding Americans ideological poison and dumbing them down; they may even cause political dysfunction to grow worse – raising an intriguing question of when Americans will begin voting with their gut instead of using logic?
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