Trump Holds Rally in Concord New Hampshire

Paresh Jadhav


Donald Trump will hold his next campaign rally Friday evening in Concord. Just four days remain until New Hampshire holds its primary, so this rally should prove interesting.

Trump is taking aim at former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley. He alternates between declaring the race is nearly over and attacking Haley.

Tim Scott Endorses Trump

Scott and Trump’s announcement was met with applause from a crowd of approximately 500 supporters who had stood outside in 17-degree weather to see them, including some South Carolinians such as Nikki Haley who is competing against Scott for New Hampshire presidential primary on Tuesday. It dealt a blow against other rival candidates competing with Scott such as Nikki Haley.

Trump campaign officials had been in secret discussions with Scott for two days, according to sources familiar with internal conversations. Trump and his team wanted to highlight Haley’s endorsement despite its potential relevance, to take focus away from Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis during Florida’s last week of campaigning.

Scott’s move has also reignited speculation that he could serve as running mate should Donald Trump win the nomination. Scott launched his own presidential bid last May before abandoning it six months later due to the ineffective use of millions of dollars invested by high-profile donors. Other former 2024 opponents, such as North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy have joined Scott in endorsing Donald Trump.

Trump Calls Out Nikki Haley

As the GOP nomination fight heats up, he has increased his attacks against Nikki Haley. According to sources familiar with his campaign, Trump has made numerous statements suggesting she lacks presidential caliber and therefore unlikely will become his running mate.

She has strongly defended her conservative credentials following attacks by President Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, including through an advertisement released by her campaign that highlights an exchange between Trump and a member of The Lincoln Project – a nonprofit group which accuses him of being an autocrat – which may support her case for being elected governor.

This ad, which runs on TikTok video-sharing platform, shows footage from the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill alongside images of Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong Un and other world figures as part of a series. Trump blamed Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats for inciting this unrest via tweets; its goal was to boost turnout among younger voters and minority Republicans for Tuesday’s primary.


Trump Compares Himself to Anti-Apartheid Activist Nelson Mandela

As Donald Trump returned to New Hampshire to file for its presidential primary, he likened himself to South African anti-apartheid activist and Nobel Peace laureate Nelson Mandela. At his raucous rally, the Republican frontrunner accused federal and state prosecutors of persecuting him as they did Mandela who spent 27 years behind bars for opposing apartheid.

He used the media’s failure to cover him properly as an opportunity to criticise those opposing him, calling them his “Praetorian Guard.” Afterward, the discussion turned towards legal problems – with him alleging being subjected to 91 criminal investigations against himself.

He claimed Joe Biden will transform our country into a hotbed for jihadists, turning our cities into “dumping grounds reminiscent of Gaza”. The crowd applauded and it wasn’t clear whether Phillips’ remarks were meant as jokes; Dartmouth College student Xavier Laack dismissed them as white conservatives trying to co-opt Phillips’ narrative about two Americas.

Trump Accuses CNN of Being a Dictator

He lashed out against the media for what he considers to be its unfair coverage of his civil trial and for disclosing audio from a conference call with reporters last week, in which he repeated political talking points.

“He gets along well with Mohammad, Kim and Putin; theresa May and Angela Merkel are among his allies; yet anyone not named Donald Trump can only be defined as an authoritarian,” according to him.

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis hit New Hampshire this week to campaign ahead of their primary encounter, promising DeSantis that he would bring an end to the fentanyl epidemic that has crippled New Hampshire more than any other state.

Marian Webster of Urbandale, Iowa said she has supported him since he came down the escalator at Trump Tower to announce his presidential candidacy. She expects him to win New Hampshire primary and believes strong showing by Republicans at November election will demonstrate this support for their leader.

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