Polls conducted by NBC News demonstrate that many voters, including some Democrats, are concerned about Biden’s health. The report’s depiction of his memory lapses could deepen those concerns further.
As part of an attempt to limit any negative fallout from this report, Biden’s aides countered by asserting it was biased; they pointed out how President Donald Trump also makes mistakes verbally and forgets information, yet has never been charged with anything illegal.
Political Impact
The Justice Department should conduct an independent and comprehensive inquiry into the roles played by senior Bush administration officials in authorizing torture and unlawful detention practices during their administration, such as waterboarding and long-term sleep deprivation; waterboarding; long-term sleep deprivation; slamming prisoners against walls; sexual assault, forced nudity and confinement in small dark boxes – including any attempt by legal memoranda to justify these measures and authorize further abuses such as waterboarding, long-term sleep deprivation; long term sleep deprivation; long term sleep deprivation; long term sleep deprivation; long term sleep deprivation; long term sleep deprivation, waterboarding; long term sleep deprivation; sexual assault sexual assault forced nudity or confinement within small dark boxes
Investigation should also focus on those senior officials who pushed to approve such abuses by seeking assurance from OLC that their advice was “good faith,” even when such advice covered coercive interrogation or other abusive practices. Finally, independent criminal investigations with full hearings, subpoena power and witness summoning should also be conducted into individual impacts of these abuses on individuals.
Legal Impact
Though Biden avoided criminal prosecution over his mishandling of classified information, Justice Department’s report will cast serious doubt on his fitness for office. Its description of him being unable to recall his tenure as Obama’s vice president or the year his son Beau died may create the perception that he is too old for another four year term of office.
Biden advisers were eagerly awaiting the Hur report’s publication as they knew it could undermine their case that President Barack Obama is mentally and physically fit to serve another term.
The 89-page report laid out conditions at the MDOC that may violate federal law, such as its lack of oversight by both the attorney general’s office and Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Furthermore, it highlighted MDOC officers’ lack of accountability and excessive use of force; additionally it described incidents involving the shooting of Black and Native American people, the detention of protesters and journalists as well as violations to First Amendment rights for residents.

Media Impact
Biden quickly summoned reporters back to the White House on Thursday for an unexpected exchange that touched upon this section of Hur’s report, becoming visibly upset when discussing it.
His aides emphasize Ronald Reagan, who faced similar concerns at age 77 but went on to deliver two State of the Union addresses, hold multiple press conferences, and give multiple sit-down interviews. Furthermore, they point out that Trump doesn’t face as much media scrutiny for his verbal gaffes – like conflating Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi or making remarks referencing deceased European leaders during conversation – than Biden did – something Republicans are likely to use against Biden as evidence of double standards.
Social Impact
Scrutiny, is the practice of carefully inspecting or inquiring into something, usually used by law enforcement to detect inaccuracies, errors, or failures to adhere to applicable laws or standards. This Act places many restrictions on DOJ’s spending of funds.
This bill mandates Commerce, NASA, and NSF to report monthly on official travel to China.
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