Daily Updates


Houthi Claims Victory As US Ship Got Hits in Red Sea

Paresh Jadhav

On Monday, Houthi militants launched an anti-ship missile from Yemen into the Red Sea that struck Marshall Islands-flagged cargo vessel ...


Trump’s Call for Ending Restrictions on Foreign Aid: The US Should No Longer Be Stupid

Paresh Jadhav

The Senate recently passed a $95.3 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan – though this bill could ...


NATO: Trump Claims that Russia can Take Any Action it Wants Against Non-Paying Members

Paresh Jadhav

NATO has long complained that members do not devote enough to defense spending, yet the alliance does not issue bills ...


John Fetterman Is Not the Progressive Leader Everyone Assumed Him to Be

Paresh Jadhav

John Fetterman could simply declare himself no longer to be a progressive, but doing so would alienate much of the ...


The Senate Approves a $95 Billion Package For Foreign Aid

Paresh Jadhav

Senates are trying to complete their package prior to their two-week recess, but procedural votes and further negotiations have hindered ...


Biden Urges Preservation of Rafah’s Civilians to Netanyahu

Paresh Jadhav

On Sunday, President Joe Biden issued a plea to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to launch any military operations ...


Austin, the Defense Secretary, was Moved to The Critical Care Unit

Paresh Jadhav

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been transferred to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center’s critical care unit for close monitoring ...


Biden’s Lack of Confidence Is Evident in His Super Bowl Snub

Paresh Jadhav

President Joe Biden‘s absence from a pre-Super Bowl interview on Fox News this year with Lester Holt or Norah O’Donnell ...


Trump is Likely to Win Quickly in the Colorado Ballot Case at the Supreme Court

Paresh Jadhav

The Supreme Court is anticipated to render its verdict shortly on whether Colorado should keep Donald Trump off its presidential ...


Trump’s Ballot Issue Raises Doubts Among Democratic-Appointed Judges

Paresh Jadhav

The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to decide whether plaintiffs in a case can utilize a constitutional provision that disqualifies ...