Although Trump campaign officials maintain that the search for his running mate is far from a top priority, they have been discussing potential candidates since last fall. Some, like New York Representative Elise Stefanik and former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake have established relationships with President Trump that demonstrate fealty to him as leaders.
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has reignited speculation that she could be a vice presidential nominee. Her appearance at an endorsement rally for Donald Trump in Rapid City appeared like an audition.
Noem has gained national notoriety through her hands-off approach to COVID-19 pandemic and has supported Trump’s MAGA worldview. As part of a ticket she would bring female votes while championing traditional values.
But she may not be an obvious pick for a vice presidential role. She lacks political experience and has been criticized for relying too heavily on right-leaning media outlets, though she remains loyal to Donald Trump. Furthermore, while she may support his presidential campaign or debate platform efforts without becoming one of his primary opponents like Stefanik or Haley would make pairing up awkward.
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, daughter of Mike Huckabee and former press secretary for Trump, would make an ideal candidate for the GOP presidential nominee. A veteran political operative, she started out stuffing envelopes for her father’s campaigns before going on to serve as national campaign strategist for congressional campaigns including Arkansas Representative John Boozman in 2010 and Tim Pawlenty in 2012.
She enjoys high regard among her state’s Republican base, has an excellent working relationship with President Trump and is known to be an effective surrogate. Furthermore, she offers insider insight on national security matters.
However, Trump confidants believe he has already made his selection and is simply taunting the media with it. They speculate he wants someone like Mike Pence who can support and fight hard for America First principles as his Vice Presidential pick.
Iowa Governor Terry Hunt
As is common among long-serving governors, Branstad practices old-fashioned retail politics by visiting all 99 counties every year and touring mom-and-pop businesses, giving keynote addresses at trade shows, and speaking at rural schools. His agenda is jam-packed full of these activities.
As a conservative with an inspirational personal narrative and skilled political management experience, he could become a compelling contender.
He’s known as a classic Western figure with strong connections to MAGA supporters, making him appealing to MAGA voters. While he could make for an effective campaigner and policy advisor, his chances are unlikely; he has announced plans for running for Senate again in 2022 and continues defending Donald Trump.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Abbott, an attorney and longtime Republican lawmaker, would bring impressive conservative credentials to any ticket. As governor, he oversees a state where Republicans hold all statewide offices and control both chambers of the legislature.
He has garnered national prominence through his public fights with the White House over border security, his bus migration campaign to northern states and his displays of contempt towards people with disabilities, along with his desire to revive an outdated federal ban on abortion. But this warrants caution: his history includes showing contempt towards disabled individuals while trying to reinstate the failed ban on abortion.
Experts note that Trump “certainly meets many of the criteria” for running mates, including being able to sell Texas miracle policies of tax cuts and reduced regulations across the nation. Unfortunately, however, he doesn’t possess the name recognition or fan base of other potential running mates.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
As mayor of New York City, Bloomberg led his city in becoming an industry pioneer on climate change issues and created hundreds of acres of new parkland as well as revitalizing many parts of its waterfront which had lain neglected for decades.
But he is also well-known for his staunch anti-immigration policies and combative approach towards dealing with press. These qualities may make him less appealing as running mate than some of Trump’s other allies.
One such ally of President Donald Trump’s is Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-New York). Stefanik has long been an enthusiastic supporter of Trump during her time in Congress, standing up against detractors of the president and filing an ethics complaint against the judge handling Trump’s civil fraud trial – showing her dedication and willingness to go the extra mile for her boss’ agenda.
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