Oklahoma GOP Censures Sen James Lankford Over Border Deal

Paresh Jadhav


Oklahoma Republican Party officials have voiced strong disapproval for Sen. James Lankford’s collaboration on a border security bill with Democrats. Their state party committee passed a resolution calling on Lankford to stop jeopardizing security of Oklahoma and these United States by supporting this proposal.

However, Anthony Ferate – chairman of the state committee – refutes this claim and states an “extreme faction” held a meeting without giving official notice to state committee members.

Censures Lankford’s Bipartisan Work

Oklahoma Republicans have censured one of the senators working on bipartisan border talks – Senator James Lankford (R) – as part of a resolution condemning him and warning that further compromise to security or liberty of Americans will result in his removal from talks.

The Oklahoma GOP resolution declares support for limited legal immigration and opposes practices that give citizenship more quickly to illegal aliens than legal arrivals. A leaked draft agreement with Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer would allow up to 5,000 illegal aliens per day into the U.S.; Lankford’s “playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy” disenfranchises legal immigrants and puts their safety in peril.

Anthony Ferate, former Chairman of Oklahoma GOP, issued an open defense of Lankford on social media. According to him, an “extreme faction” held a meeting without official notification or consultation of all State Committee members; any vote taken today was therefore not legitimate and any resolution signed by more than 50 State Committee members is therefore nonbinding.

Censures ‘Open Border Deal’

The Senate deal could include provisions that allow up to 5,000 illegal immigrants into the country every day and give Vice President Biden emergency powers to shut down borders – something which could seriously undermine Republican electoral prospects this year.

Oklahoma GOP State Committee passed a resolution denouncing and censuring Lankford for his efforts to pass a border agreement deal, warning that his actions threaten national security.

KOCO reported that OKGOP Vice Chairman Wayne Hill posted the resolution online. Former OKGOP Chairman Anthony Ferate however expressed displeasure with its voting process on social media platform X, suggesting an “extreme faction” held an illegal meeting to attack Lankford without providing official notification of this meeting to all state committee members.

Supporters of the measure maintain it is necessary to address the surge of migrants crossing into America from Central America. But Republicans have struggled for weeks to strike an agreement on this subject.


Censures Illegal Immigrants

Oklahoma Republicans approved a resolution Saturday condemning and censing Sen. James Lankford for his participation in bipartisan border deal negotiations, alleging he is playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy, placing Americans in danger, according to an online copy of this resolution posted to X by Dusty Deevers.

Resolution also details that the Republican platform supports limited legal immigration, while opposing practices which grant citizenship faster to illegal migrants than to those following legal channels for citizenship. Furthermore, it states that support will be withheld from Senator until he ceases jeopardizing Americans’ safety and security by “facilitating the illegal entry of 5,000 migrants every day”.

Lankford appeared on several political news shows Sunday to defend his work on the deal, asserting that criticisms were misguided and accusing critics of seeking to manipulate Republican base ahead of 2024 election.

Censures Trump

As Senate Republicans and Democrats attempt to forge an agreement on border security measures, the political situation has grown increasingly volatile. Opposition from right-wing lawmakers – including President Trump himself – threatens to upend carefully negotiated compromise agreements.

Oklahoma GOP state committee recently passed a resolution condemning Lankford and his efforts to pass a bill, with warning that support will cease for him if he continues promoting an “open border deal” that jeopardizes national safety.

Resolution 467 also criticizes Lankford for working with Schumer to facilitate an “invasion” of our borders. Anthony Ferate, former chair of OKGOP and current member of its advisory council, publicly defended Lankford on social media by noting that state committee failed to officially notify its members to vote on censure; therefore rendering their vote invalid and asserting that group wasn’t part of OKGOP legitimacy – calling on other leaders from within OKGOP to join him and speak out

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