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Heated Debate: Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis Trade Insults

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis clashed fiercely during their final Republican debate ahead of Iowa’s caucuses, sparring over records and personalities while both making attacks against Donald Trump.

Immigration was frequently discussed during their debates, reflecting polling data showing its high priority among Iowa and national voters. Yet DeSantis and Haley differed in how to approach it as a problem.

DeSantis: Haley is a liar

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis exchanged insults Wednesday night in their first one-on-one confrontation in the Republican primary race, underscoring its do-or-die nature five days before Iowa caucuses. Haley, former US ambassador to the UN, is making waves in polls; her numbers have even pulled even with DeSantis among likely Iowa caucus participants; while DeSantis, Florida governor, has struggled to shake his low poll numbers and look for that breakthrough moment that would give him a shot at Donald Trump.

CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash moderated a debate at Drake University between candidates on a range of issues, such as Renewable Fuel Standard, foreign policy, mental health care and their records as governors. Though sometimes contentious and personal in tone, this format allowed for more substantive policy discussions than previous debates – with exception to any comments regarding Haley’s abortion stance.

DeSantis attacked Haley during the debate for being dishonest: he charged that she “is simply another mealy-mouthed politician who tells you what you want to hear in order to gain your vote, only then do her donors’ bidding once in office,” as DeSantis put it. DeSantis further attacked Haley for failing to enforce transgender bathroom policies effectively when governor.

She accused DeSantis of being influenced by Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie’s vote against an antisemitism resolution against college campuses; DeSantis dismissed this charge, dismissing it as “cheap garbage.” Both candidates highlighted their religious backgrounds during this debate while stressing conservative principles; both pledged support for Israel while citing their Christian faith as driving their politics; these two candidates are competing to gain evangelical voters who comprise Iowa’s majority Republican voting population.

Haley: DeSantis is a liar

Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis have taken no prisoners during the final Republican debate and town hall before Iowa caucuses, exchanging barbs over immigration, foreign policy and more at Drake University in Des Moines despite an intense snowstorm that blanketed much of Iowa.

Things got heated when DeSantis attacked Haley as soon as she opened her mouth to respond, attacking her as “another dishonest politician who will tell you anything she thinks you want to hear.” Haley responded that DeSantis has been spreading falsehoods.

She pointed out that he has altered his stance on issues including abortion, school choice and his opposition to the Renewable Fuel Standard. Additionally, she claimed he has used Covid crisis funds for his campaign; adding that she believes he won’t be as transparent.

DeSantis quickly responded that it is DeSantis who has been preoccupied with political processes that don’t concern voters and accusing her of bowing down to teachers unions, George Soros, and former Chief White House medical advisor Anthony Fauci.

DeSantis and Haley clashed over whether President Donald Trump’s border wall should extend into Florida, and whether US aid for Ukraine aid will aid or undermine US security. DeSantis supported Keystone pipeline, while DeSantis attacked Haley for accepting contributions from Democratic donors.

As the debate progressed, both candidates criticized each other for failing to address climate change. Both also discussed their records on foreign policy and economy and highlighted how important military service is as part of national security. They addressed Haley’s new website which alleges false statements made against her opponent during this debate.

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