Illegal Immigration: Elon Musk Says ‘Outrageous’ About Biden’s Plan

Paresh Jadhav


Trump’s plan to close the border and provide aid to Ukraine has hit a wall in Congress. Reports indicate a deal may be struck that codifies Biden’s reckless open-border policies.

Elon Musk took to social media on Monday night to criticize the Biden administration’s approach to immigration crisis, alleging their goal is “get as many illegals in as possible and legalize them all to give Democrats an electoral majority.”

encouraging illegal immigration

Elon Musk has made the claim that President Joe Biden’s strategy of encouraging illegal immigration into the U.S. in order to maintain Democratic power is “very straightforward”. On Friday morning, Musk posted this assertion on his X page (formerly Twitter). He claimed Biden’s approach is straightforward.

Musk suggested two steps for creating a one-party state: first, to bring as many illegals into the country through prioritizing pathways to citizenship, and second, legalizing them and making their presence permanent majorities – creating permanent majorities of one party states.

Musk’s claim was based on news reports alleging the Obama administration prioritizes illegal immigrant pathways and has also reduced deportations of those without proper documents.

Last year, Musk traveled to Eagle Pass, Texas, and livestreamed his firsthand experience of the border crisis. While criticizing Trump administration policies and calling for increased funding to secure the US-Mexico border, he also suggested illegal immigrants were responsible for housing affordability problems in the US: “By paying rent you are indirectly subsidizing illegals.”

Democratic majority

Since taking office, President Trump’s border strategy has been to allow in as many illegal immigrants as possible and legalize them so as to form a permanent Democratic majority and rule as an one-party state. Tech billionaire Elon Musk voiced similar worries via social media posts on Friday.

Musk issued a post on X, his newly acquired and rebranded social media platform, detailing all the services and benefits illegal immigrants access in America – from bank loans and healthcare coverage, driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition, according to him.

Musk, himself an immigrant who recently shared his mother’s experience of becoming an American citizen, stressed the need for a fair and transparent immigration process that prioritizes family members over workers in order to maintain multicultural societies in the U.S. His survey results demonstrate widespread support for building border walls and abolishing birthright citizenship.


Legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state

Musk’s Twitter feed may feature more rocket launches than North Korean propaganda films, yet he is quietly increasing his efforts to promote fear and loathing among Trump’s support base. By amplifying conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers as well as far-right leaders like Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Argentina’s Javier Milei he is further entrenching Trump in power.

Elon Musk recently addressed illegal immigration in the US and voiced his opinions against President Biden’s response to it, via multiple posts on X, previously Twitter. He strongly criticized illegal immigrants’ access to benefits and services provided in America and argued they are contributing to housing affordability problems.

He criticized the government’s practice of “catch and release,” in which migrants can remain in the country while filing asylum claims. He asked Congress to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 which would end this practice and mandate detention for anyone entering outside official ports of entry.

economic ramifications

Billionaire Musk used his newly purchased and rebranded social media platform X formerly known as Twitter to highlight the economic ramifications of illegal immigration, specifically its effect on services and benefits that illegal immigrants access in America; he suggested this contributes to our nation’s housing affordability crisis and was widely perceived as antisemitic by many commenters. Musk also made comparisons between George Soros (an investor) and Magneto from X-Men comic books which has led some critics to label his comments antisemitic; in which many have condemned his remarks as antisemitism by some commenters who claimed they have seen his tweets as antisemitic.

Musk, himself an immigrant to the US legally, recently voiced support for legal pathways for undocumented immigrants but opposed “illegal immigration”. According to a poll conducted by Center for American Progress, more than three-quarters (79%) of Americans support finding ways for adults who arrived as children legally to remain here legally; majorities from both parties support this position on this matter. It would require stricter standards when applying for asylum and tighter controls at border security checkpoints.

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