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Democrats in South Carolina Find Themselves at an Election Crossroads

South Carolina Democrats have much at stake in the first-in-the-nation primary, including appealing to black voters in this state.

However, some Democrats are considering forgoing Saturday’s primary in order to cast their ballot for Nikki Haley in the Republican primary instead. Doing so would deprive their state party of resources based on primary voter turnout.

African American Voters

On Saturday, Vermont will hold its Democratic primary. Polls indicate President Joe Biden as an overwhelming favorite against Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips and self-help author Marianne Williamson; however, Black voters could help boost his candidacy further.

Some Democrats, however, are considering forgoing the Democratic primary and instead cast ballots in the Republican contest three weeks later to cast support for former Gov. Nikki Haley in order to counter Donald Trump’s momentum. Party leaders warn that such crossover voting could deprive the state’s Democrats of crucial resources and opportunities that are allocated based on voter turnout rates.

Fanning’s campaign in his district leans heavily Republican, yet he takes steps to connect with voters. He regularly rides around in his 1970 Chevrolet pickup truck attending street festivals, back-to-school bashes, family reunions and chamber of commerce meetings in an area that spans from Columbia’s suburbs to rural farmland. Most voters interviewed said they would support Joe Biden in any Democratic primary but also expressed reservations over his administration’s lack of attention to issues like racism and economic health.

Independent Voters

South Carolina Democratic Party officials are encouraging voters to think long term when casting their ballots this election cycle. South Carolina holds its primary early this time around compared with Iowa and New Hampshire which hold their primaries later on; therefore making South Carolina a key test case for the national party that rewards states with high turnout with additional delegates. “The [Democratic National Committee] allocates resources based on turnout – so we want to ensure South Carolina remains behind our candidate,” according to LaJoia Broughton who cast her vote for Joe Biden 2020.

Party leaders are taking measures to convince independent voters that former Gov. Nikki Haley isn’t the moderate Republican some may perceive her to be. At events across the state, party leaders often bring her up as part of their pitch for candidate Donald Trump; listing ultraconservative policies she advocated during her two terms as governor as they attempt to bridge what polls indicate as an enormous gap between Haley and him.

Women Voters

South Carolina Democrats may be preoccupied with national politics, but local issues remain top priority for many of them. Coming from a state that once practiced racism by looking at race before pulling a lever marked “R,” Democrats now must work even harder than before to win over voters who are put off by President Donald Trump and his divisive rhetoric and inability to unite America.

Interviews conducted with Democratic-leaning Black voters across Florida ahead of this Saturday’s primary have revealed widespread support for Joe Biden – with many seeing him as superior to Donald Trump – but also highlighted their frustration with how the administration has addressed social justice issues and they feel they are not receiving what they require from Washington.

Biden remains a strong front-runner for the Democratic nomination, according to recent polls, outpacing Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips and self-help author Marianne Williamson in polls. However, some voters are contemplating voting in the Republican primary instead, hoping to reduce Trump’s chances of victory and decrease his chance at the Republican nod.

Young Voters

Young voters tend to vote in smaller numbers in presidential primary races than older citizens do; their votes may not make an immediate difference in the end result, yet political passion can encourage other voters to cast ballots, experts state.

At a University of Southern California event, attendees stated their support for Bernie Sanders mirrored what has been happening nationwide among young voters, according to recent surveys. They also voiced concerns over culture wars and foreign conflicts within our society as well as fears that another Trump presidency may compromise foundational governing principles that guide American democracy.

Some local Democrats who have the freedom of choosing which primary to vote in are considering strategically supporting Haley in hopes that her long shot candidacy will draw resources to their state, but party leaders have been encouraging them instead to cast their vote for Biden so he can win their state primary and build momentum heading into November.

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