Paresh Jadhav

Gun and Drug Charges on former NBA All-Star Rajon Rondo | got Arrested
Rajon Rondo, 37 years old and former NBA All-Star was arrested Sunday on charges of illegal possession of firearm while ...

House Passes Bipartisan $78 Billion Tax Relief Bill
House members voted Wednesday evening to approve a bipartisan $78 billion tax relief bill, expanding child tax credit and strengthening ...

Trump Aims For Teamsters Union Endorsement
Donald Trump will try to chip away at Joe Biden’s support among blue-collar voters when he meets with the Teamsters ...

Marijuana Decriminalization: Texas Attorney General Takes Legal Action in 5 of Its Cities
After successfully organizing to place local reform measures on the ballot in Denton, Austin, San Marcos and Killeen, voters now ...

Virginia ‘Revenge’ Porn Bill Promotes Democrat Candidate’s Explicit Videos
Republican lawmaker’s offices in Virginia’s 57th House race are sending voters explicit fliers containing screenshots from a public porn livestream ...

Mark Zuckerberg Issues An Apology to Parents During Tense Senate Debate
At an emotional Senate hearing on Wednesday, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg stood up and turned around to face families who ...

These 4 Space Companies are Running Out of Funds
Two years ago, it seemed as if the space industry was enjoying unprecedented momentum. Companies raised large rounds of financing ...

Biden: ‘We Shall Respond’ to Drone Strike
Three US troops have been killed by a drone strike in northeast Jordan – marking their first attack in the ...

Big Pharma is Preparing to Lose Revenue From Their Patent Expiry
When we hear “blockbuster”, most of us immediately think of an oral small-molecule pill like Lipitor or Prilosec; however, modern ...

Amazon Terminates iRobot Deal and Lays Off 31% of Staff
Amazon is committed to eliminating the friction between purchasing an item and it arriving on your doorstep. They have acquired ...