Speaker Johnson About CCP’s Forced Organ Harvesting | Falun Gong practitioners

Paresh Jadhav


Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners has long been one of the Chinese Communist Party’s(CCP) most heinous and deplorable crimes; yet Western governments and institutions have done nothing to address these allegations.

Reasons for China’s failure in this matter do not lie within any lack of awareness or fear of offending its authorities, but rather within its general intolerance of any group independent from itself.


Since 1949 when Mao Zedong defeated nationalist rivals and established the People’s Republic, China’s Communist Party (CCP) has held onto political dominance with over 97 million members overseeing national economic affairs and asserting China’s global power.

According to an independent tribunal counsel who was an expert on prosecuting dictators such as Slobodan Milosevic, China had engaged in “major scale crimes against humanity” by killing Falun Gong practitioners and harvesting their organs for use against them.

The CCP claims it has end this practice; however, many practitioners have reported torture, disappearances, brainwashing and murder of family members as part of it. Furthermore, practitioners reported being targeted by Chinese media and businesses and barred from American venues; one news outlet specifically catering to Falun Gong practitioners called The Epoch Times has been accused of deceptive practices; its Facebook ads promote pro-Trump agendas while they have worked closely with former Trump strategist Steve Bannon on Claws of the Red Dragon film production.


Since 1997, the Chinese Communist Party has attempted to eradicate Falun Gong – an alternative spiritual practice combining meditation and moral philosophy – by torturing, raping and murdering practitioners of this spiritual practice. Families were told their loved ones died due to suicide or disease while those truly responsible were sent to Western Mountain execution ground and sold off organs.

CCP leaders have used organ harvesting from Uyghurs, Tibetans and other minorities detained to enrich themselves for years – possibly still ongoing according to reports by China Tribunal, an independent people’s commission that investigated claims of organ harvesting in China.

The commission is seeking answers from the State Department regarding harvesting allegations. Furthermore, they want to know whether medical practitioners who have applied for visas in the US are being tracked, as well as Blinken’s plan to prevent CCP from harvesting organs of those people for transplantation purposes.



The Chinese Communist Party’s policy of “cold genocide,” whereby it seeks to eliminate groups gradually by taking measures that erode their cohesiveness, has targeted Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetans and Uyghur Muslims with particular intensity.

Hudson Senior Fellow Nina Shea led a panel on forced organ harvesting at the 2022 International Religious Freedom Summit and presented findings of a report she co-authored with Professor Sarah Cook and Dr. Robertson.

Shea reported that for years the CCP has engaged in extralegal persecution against Falun Gong through its Office 610 bureaucracy, now expanding to encompass Chinese Islamic community members and Tibetans as well.

Shea discussed the CCP’s efforts to isolate certain communities through the establishment of reeducation camps. According to Shea, these concentration camps lack due process, courts or sentences – serving only to isolate. Involuntary blood testing and organ transplant procedures also take place there.

Speaker Johnson

Johnson may not be well-known, but he remains one of Congress’s most powerful members. A staunch supporter of former President Trump, Johnson led House Republicans’ attempt to decertify 2020 election results; and has often taken sides with Louisiana’s oil and gas industry which have donated heavily to his campaigns.

The London-based China Tribunal, which conducts hearings and considers evidence, has determined that China has been harvesting organs from Falun Gong practitioners on an industrial scale for years. As an immediate response to worldwide scrutiny, they expanded this practice to encompass prisoners as well as Tibetans and Uyghur Muslims who face religious oppression by the CCP regime. Speaker Johnson recently spoke out against China’s persecution of religious minorities during a speech emphasizing religious freedom; he stressed how its oppression touches family units within our borders that should not be forgotten; read his full statement here.

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