DeSantis Addresses in New Hampshire Town Hall

Paresh Jadhav


Republican candidates for president will compete in a town hall debate held in snowy New Hampshire, broadcast live on CNN, CNN International and CNN en Espaol.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is seeking to distinguish himself from his Republican rivals by emphasizing his electability and solid record as governor, as well as emphasizing how important a leader who can manage foreign policy is for our nation’s success.

Foreign Policy

Candidates also provided insights into foreign policy issues, with DeSantis espousing isolationist ideals and Haley calling on the US to keep funding aid to Ukraine and Israel.

She stated that the US should also help those abroad who are fleeing violence and poverty, and highlighted that federal debt has reached crisis proportions.

Domestically, Haley and DeSantis disagreed on how best to handle illegal immigration; Haley opposed an Obama-era executive order restricting immigration while DeSantis called for banning so-called sanctuary cities. Both however agreed on two things – strong military forces as well as managing federal budget responsibly (both citing South Carolina as an example of doing just this).


Government needs to pay for infrastructure like roads, schools and national programs; one way it does this is through taxes.

DeSantis pledged to reduce federal spending and borrowing, yet also proposes lifting sales-tax exemptions for diapers, clothing and over-the-counter pet medicines.

He shares Trump’s “America First” isolationist views and believes the US should prioritize its own interests first; yet has differed with her on some foreign policy issues, including support for Israel and Ukraine. That could create friction in a GOP primary as polls show her surging in Granite State polls. Both candidates will make appearances Tuesday before moving onto New Hampshire where neither one holds an apparent lead yet; too soon to say who will claim victory as nominee of their party.


DeSantis placed second to Trump in Iowa caucuses and has made an effort to field questions at town hall events in South Carolina, Texas, and now New Hampshire. There he was both thanked for his military service as well as praised for handling of coronavirus pandemic.

Governor Scott Walker has consistently demonstrated his support for fossil fuels and pledged to restore American nuclear and automobile industries. In doing so, he would seek to reverse Obama-era subsidies for electric vehicles while simultaneously supporting Americans’ rights to drive whatever car they desire.

He also pledged to speed up critical mineral mining on federal land and create a strategic reserve of resources in order to compete with China, which currently holds 90% of these materials worldwide.



DeSantis’ more casual approach onstage seems to be well received in Florida, whose residents are used to personally screening presidential candidates at intimate settings.

At his town hall meeting, Donald Trump fielded questions from attendees regarding his environmental stances and opposition to ethanol subsidies. Additionally, he announced his intention to withdraw from global climate change agreements and allow drilling on federal lands.

Florida Republicans also pledged to address rising sea levels, support voter-approved conservation plans such as Florida Forever and restore water quality at Lake Okeechobee. He highlighted his work for an environmental nonprofit focused on Everglades as evidence of his commitment to environmental preservation.

He sidestepped one question from a teenage boy when asked by them to condemn Trump for his efforts to disrupt the Jan. 6 transfer of power.


DeSantis was alluding to the military draft, an age-old yet active system requiring young men to register and serve in combat if selected for service. Noncompliance can result in prosecution by law enforcement authorities as well as withheld financial aid for school, jobs or training opportunities from federal financial assistance programs.

DeSantis has presented himself as an authoritative military figure during his political campaign, promising to “root out the woke mind virus” from the Navy and touting his own combat experience. When he arrived in Fallujah at an important moment when Sunni terrorists threatened sectarian conflict there, DeSantis arrived as Sunnis were poised on the verge of inciting sectarian civil war in Western Iraq.

But he plays to his base by appealing to an isolationist stance shared by both himself and President Trump – especially by opposing funding for Ukraine and Israel.

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