Rand Paul: ‘Never Nikki’ in Anti-Endorsement

Paresh Jadhav

Rand Paul

Rand Paul, a libertarian-leaning conservative senator and independent candidate in Iowa, is not endorsing anyone. Instead, he seems drawn to aspects of President Donald Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and Independent candidate RFK Jr. that appeal to him.

Rand Paul seems disenchanted with Nikki Haley. In a thread on X, Paul launched what could be seen as an anti-endorsement against her as former South Carolina governor.

Endorsements by incumbent Republicans in the South Carolina House of Representatives

South Carolina politics hinges heavily on endorsements. A candidate gaining majority support among South Carolina’s 29 at-large delegates will win their primary. Each congressional district winner also receives three additional delegates based on who garnered the most votes within that district.

Mace and Rice both sharply criticized Trump over his comments and actions during the January 6 Capitol riot, though Mace limited her criticism thereafter and did not vote to impeach him. Mace represents a district more Republican than Rice’s district; she has used their differences over Trump to paint her rival as insufficiently conservative.

Mace supported Katie Arrington, an opponent of President Donald Trump who had become vocally critical of him in her own district, to unseat then-Rep. Mark Sanford in 2018. However, Arrington lost in general elections that fall and now seeks a House seat in Virginia while Mace tries to prevent similar upsets by warning voters not to select someone too closely linked with Trump.

Endorsements by incumbent Republicans in the South Carolina Senate

As Sen. Rand Paul prepares to run for president, his endorsements from current and former elected officials in South Carolina could prove helpful in winning over voters in what could become one of the first-in-the-South presidential primaries.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul rode a wave of conservative tea party support to win his Senate seat in 2008. Since then, he has earned widespread respect among fellow Republicans for his principles of limited government and non-interventionist foreign policy – while also earning admiration from libertarian-leaning voters for his proposal to reduce tax deductions in favor of installing a flat rate tax structure.

Senator Rand Paul is known for challenging the establishment and raising headlines with his daring questions of administration leaders. He’s an outspoken opponent of both the Patriot Act and any government warrantless data collection powers over individuals; furthermore he advocates against indefinite detention of US citizens.

Rand Paul

Endorsements by incumbent Democrats in the South Carolina House of Representatives

Due to a competitive field of Democratic candidates, several prominent politicians in Charleston, South Carolina have made early donations in an attempt to boost profile of state and increase chances of victory in 2024.

Mignon Clyburn, Democratic House Majority Whip and daughter of James Clyburn has received both overt and subtle requests to endorse candidates. She has hosted informal meet-and-greets at historic markets, visited small businesses owned by black women entrepreneurs, and attended campaign events for most of the 12 Democratic presidential candidates who have visited Georgia this election cycle.

On Friday, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul tweeted his intent for an “important announcement”, raising speculation it may be his decision not to back Nikki Haley in 2024 GOP nomination contest. Paul recently launched the Never Nikki website as nomination season began and indicated it won’t support Nikki Haley as candidate for that office.

Endorsements by incumbent Democrats in the South Carolina Senate

James Clyburn stands out as a prominent face in South Carolina Democratic politics, being one of the few widely known faces to endorse three presidential candidates – John Kerry in 2004, Hillary Clinton in 2008 and Joe Biden this year – with grandson Walter Clyburn Reed featuring prominently in Buttigieg campaign ads and at multiple Biden events.

Rand Paul rode a conservative Tea Party wave into the Senate over a decade ago, carrying libertarian social views with him and being known for standing against mainstream members of his party. That renegade spirit remains alive in Paul’s campaign for reelection in 2024.

GovTrack takes a closer look. Rand Paul boasts the endorsement of both his father, Ron Paul, and many libertarian donors; yet is still struggling to compete against other potential Democratic candidates with his libertarian ideology. GovTrack takes a look.

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