Chris Christie Out of Presidential Race?

Paresh Jadhav


Former Gov. Chris Christie took an unexpectedly bold move Wednesday by ending his longshot presidential bid despite calls from Nikki Haley’s supporters for him to drop out and help strengthen the anti-Donald Trump movement behind her. This decision came amid calls from political opponents of President Donald Trump for him to drop out and unite opposition groups behind her campaign.

Before his decision was announced, Christie could be heard criticizing Haley and labeling Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis “terrified” about her candidacy on livestream.

Nikki Haley Continues to Succeed

Nikki Haley, former U.N. ambassador and New Hampshire town hall organizer who is closing what most polls project to be a 30-point gap with Donald Trump, would likely benefit from Christie leaving. While many Republicans in New Hampshire want him out so they can unify behind Haley more quickly, Christie has rejected calls from many quarters to step aside by running advertisements highlighting how his campaign will give voters “the truth” about Washington politics.

At an event attended by over 2,500 people in Bluffton, a woman wearing a white hat with her name written across it announced she would vote for Haley as she didn’t believe Trump could beat Biden head-to-head. State legislators and local Republican party officials at this event also backed her, while two thirds of Christie supporters say Haley would be their second choice, suggesting she could continue her pull away from Trump.

Ron DeSantis Continues to Do Well

DeSantis, the Republican frontrunner, is taking advantage of a conservative base that remains deeply loyal to President Donald Trump. As former Florida governor he built his campaign around combatting liberal cultural forces and remains at Trump’s side, signing one of the strictest abortion bans and restricting LGBTQ rights, all while getting into costly fights like his with Disney over their use of “wokeness”.

He has also touted his experience as both a military veteran and successful businessman, yet has failed to gain ground against Haley who is drawing support from many of the same voters. DeSantis may find it hard to compete with Trump in the general election; dropping out may not change much in Iowa where voters head back to polls on Monday.


Donald Trump Continues to Do Well

Christie acknowledged in his decision to withdraw that he didn’t have enough votes to win and that staying in would hurt his cause. Additionally, he acknowledged a lack of clarity around a path for him to become president; though his departure may help Haley consolidate anti-Trump support; its effectiveness remains uncertain as far as stopping Trump becoming the Republican nominee.

Christie’s primary strategy in his campaign was taking aim at President Trump, which gained him some favor among Republican voters who dislike him but limited his appeal among voters in New Hampshire who can vote in both primary elections.

Christie was widely criticized for continuing his attacks against Haley after dropping out, leading many critics to view him as less credible as an alternative candidate to Trump. His final remarks made on an apparent hot mic — suggesting Haley would “get smoked” — appeared to seal his fate and may have hastened her departure.

Chris Christie Drops Out

Christie’s campaign was ultimately undone by his hardline position on abortion: He insisted that states should have the freedom to set their own laws, something most Republicans were unwilling to tolerate. Meanwhile, his foreign policy focus, including visits to Ukraine and Israel (where he visited a kibbutz hit by Hamas rockets), did not resonate.

Christie launched into a fiery and forceful speech prior to withdrawing, blasting Donald Trump as a “lonely, self-centered mirror hog,” warning that electing him as president could pose serious threats for our country. Christie criticized his rivals for failing to directly criticize Donald Trump as unfit for office and stated his withdrawal would allow “the best candidate against Donald Trump.”

Haley ultimately emerged victorious. Her foreign policy positions broadly aligned with those of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and she will likely be able to rally never-Trump Republicans behind her bid.

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