I Don’t Want to Be Hoover: Trump

Paresh Jadhav


Hoover was President during the 1929 stock market crash and Great Depression, yet his inadequate response led him into defeat at Franklin D. Roosevelt’s hands in 1932 by an overwhelming margin.

One hallmark of hoovering is an unexpected, manufactured crisis. These crises typically stem from either mental health issues or medical emergencies that have no basis in reality.

Economic Crash from COVID-19 Pandemic

Trump may boast that he’s an expert at crisis management, yet his record falls far short of Hoover’s. In his first term he became widely unpopular for delaying action to combat recession caused by global banking panic as well as refusing Congress’ calls for social safety net programs.

Hoover graduated from Stanford in 1895 and quickly made a name for himself as a successful international mining engineer and financier, but was seeking more than wealth alone. He actively participated in relief efforts during and after World War I as well as overseeing Mississippi River flood control during Harding-Coolidge administrations – something no other man was capable of doing effectively at that time.

Hanke notes that Hoover successfully used the flood to increase his popularity; however, its effects were already having severe ramifications on ordinary Americans due to the Great Depression; by refusing to close banks as Hoover claimed he cared about ordinary people; this should serve as a lesson to Donald Trump as an economic crash from COVID-19 pandemic may similarly damage his standing unless led with competency and compassion by him as leader.

I don’t want to be Hoover

While President Hoover accomplished much good for his nation, it was his inept response to the Great Depression which cemented his political failure status and is often used as an example against him by Democrats such as Joe Biden in 2020 presidential race. Now Trump is being compared to Hoover by opponents such as Biden.

One of the primary techniques used by hooverers to gain your attention is creating a fake crisis, whether real or perceived; examples may include medical emergencies, death of loved ones or mental health stressors. Dr. Albers notes: “[They know that a manufactured crisis will] provoke an emotional response from you – this is why it’s vitally important that you remain objective during such times.”

Hoovering is an attempt by a narcissist to get more attention and admiration, often at your expense. Hoovering can lead to extreme behavior including spreading lies about you or attacking physically or emotionally; stalking you or your family; vandalizing property owned by them or even murder. Such behaviors do not constitute true love – in the long run they only harm.


I don’t want to be FDR

Hoover used Homer’s Odyssey as an analogy for his New Deal ideology, likening it to the wooden horse used by Greek forces against Troy in Homer’s Odyssey. According to Hoover, socialism contained within this policy would break apart America’s constitutional foundations and ideals of its founders if allowed to run its course unchecked.

Hoover worked arduously to prevent the new administration from enacting the New Deal and tried to force its implementation out of power. On the day before inauguration, Hoover invited Roosevelt and his family for tea before inviting his Treasury secretary and Federal Reserve head into private meeting? telling them he could detect socialism among these people who posed such a danger to America’s financial system; thus avoiding disaster for his political reputation and future political prospects in one last attempt at stopping it all together.

I don’t want to be Joe Biden

As Democrats consider who should lead them into the 2020 presidential election campaign, a large majority think it’s very or extremely likely that Joe Biden will be chosen as their party nominee.

Problematic, Biden’s approval ratings have fallen to record lows and he consistently trails Trump in head-to-head matchups in key swing states. His polling numbers have been negatively affected by public frustration with the economy, inadequate response to pandemic outbreak and administration’s handling of Israel-Hamas conflict.

Many voters worry that Biden is too old for another term of service, while others object to his support for Israel’s military in Gaza. Smart strategists know that while Biden possesses many good traits, he may not appeal to first-time voters among younger demographics.

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