Biden: DOJ Went Too Far

Paresh Jadhav


Dozens of individuals were arrested during the Jan. 6 riot, yet many will likely avoid prison sentences because prosecutors have chosen to focus on those who attacked police or broke into the Capitol building instead of those who simply passed barricades and stood outside.


Biden Justice Department officials recently proposed to revive an outdated, and illegal Obama-era practice, where leftist operatives controlled a slush fund to reward their political allies with public money. This giveaway must be stopped.

Politicization of the Biden investigation by the Justice Department has allowed several serious felonies committed by former President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden to expire, forcing Congress to investigate this blatant use of DOJ resources against one of Trump’s potential 2024 political rivals – Biden.

Failure by the FBI to follow up on evidence that could have led to Biden indictment was an obvious violation of constitutional separation of powers, and also an indication of leadership corruption within its ranks. That is why it is crucial that we appoint an honest and independent leader as Attorney General that can restore credibility within Justice Department – one who can end a politically motivated memorandum which authorizes prosecutors to go after anyone before an election is certified without sufficient proof.

With Prosecuting Jan. 6 Suspects

Trump-supporting mobs swarmed Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, forcing Congress into lockdown and disrupting certification of President Biden’s victory, prompting hundreds of participants to face criminal charges. While some individuals remain at large, online sleuths known as “Sedition Hunters” have assisted FBI in tracking them down using public records and photographs online. NBC News has learned that some are yet to be arrested but many more have already been found via public records or photos available online.

Right-wingers tend to believe, without evidence, that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s prosecution of President Trump for refusing to return classified documents and tax evasion – along with his Jan. 6 investigation – are at Biden’s behest. Yet these prosecutions and investigations rely solely on publicly accessible information, while Jan 6 case stemmed from an investigation conducted by a House committee, producing damning evidence.

As part of its Jan. 6 investigation, the Justice Department recently secured its 50th guilty plea and is working towards more convictions before time runs out on most crimes; yet many believe the DOJ may be going too far with certain prosecutions.


With Prosecuting Hillary Clinton

Lavarello’s theft of three dissertations from an embassy seems less severe than Trump’s retention of 197 classified documents, yet that is just one instance where the DOJ has handled matters differently in relation to Trump than ordinary citizens.

Current and former Justice Department officials predict that prosecutors won’t bring many sedition cases; rather, they plan on prosecuting members of extremist groups such as Oath Keepers and Three Percenters through conspiracy cases that have already resulted in arrests.

The marquee January 6 case remains underway, but prosecutors have secured their first guilty plea and cooperation deal from one of the Oath Keepers who attempted to disrupt Congress’ certification of electoral votes. As such, it seems unlikely that the DOJ will take an aggressive stance with regard to President Trump as it had with other Jan 6 suspects.

With Prosecuting Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden’s lawyers claim prosecutors bowed to political pressure from Republicans who claim he is getting special treatment, as well as that his diversion agreement with federal prosecutors in Delaware collapsed after its judge voiced concerns over its lack of transparency.

Biden faces new charges related to at least $1.4 million owed in back taxes from 2016 through 2019, during a time period when he admitted struggling with addiction and overspending his income. His defense team contends that these new charges amount to “a slap on the wrist” for someone in recovery since last year.

Republican leaders on the House Oversight and Judiciary committees have asked senior officials of both the Justice Department and Secret Service to make themselves available for transcribed interviews regarding the investigation of Joe Biden’s family business. While that is certainly important, it should also be remembered that this investigation started under Trump administration with an evaluation of Biden’s board membership of Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

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